Guide to buying and installing a video projector screen

accessory video projector | 2020/04/18 | 2005
Guide to buying and installing a video projector screen
accessory video projector

The smart board is a large touch screen that displays a computer image via a & nbsp; video projector on it & nbsp; allows users to perform operations instead of using a stylus or finger mouse Use in Windows environment. Smart boards are often used in classrooms and meeting rooms to present content & nbsp; hence the so-called smart board .

Using a smart board instead of blackboard and chalk, in addition to beauty, provides many possibilities, including displaying a variety of photos, videos and text files.

Install smart board on wall or wheeled stand

The board or the smart board can be installed in two ways, the first method is installing the smart board on the wall and the second method is placing the smart board on Is a portable stand . Depending on the space of the room, the user can choose one of these two methods.

Calculate the distance between the video projector and the smart board

One of the most important factors in installing a video projector is measuring the distance required by the projector to the smart board. For optimal display of images, this distance must be observed so that the user does not have problems when calibrating.

Video projector installation by ceiling or wheelbarrow

After calculating the distance between the data projector and the smart board, it is time to keep the projector steady. Is being placed.

It is also possible to install a video projector through special bases on top of the smart board, for this you need to used short throw projectors . You can see an example of this smart board in the image below.

& nbsp;

Install video short projector short throw on a smart board

Download smart board software

Smart board software is used to connect the system to the smart board, each smart board may have its own software with its own features. When buying a smart board, the software CD is given to the customer. For the convenience of users, we put the software download link.

Download smart board software with direct link < / a>

Calibrate and connect cable & nbsp; smart board

After installing the smart board and video projector, it is time to connect the cables & nbsp; Smart boards are usually connected to a computer or laptop with a USB cable & nbsp; . Naturally, an image cable (VGA or HDMI) must be connected between the two devices to display the computer image via video projector . / p>

After making sure the cables are connected, we need to specify the different points on the board, this is called calibration . Calibration should only be done for the first time during installation.


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